Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Happy Birthday Prince

As the Prince of Wales is about to turn 60, the BBC honour him with a candid documentary, Charles at 60; the Passionate Prince. The balanced juxaposition between his passion of gardening at his residence Highgrove and his hands on ethic through his various charitable work. The man behind the title at the age of 60 is very much laid back but still seemlessly passionate about city regeneration, helping the environment, organic farming to international relations. This insightful film manages to capture humour; the quick dialogue between father and son as Prince William is being honoured, or agitation as the helicopters furiously do their rounds during Charles' video interview. My personal favourite was the 'black spider memo'- what a delightful way of practising business in the era of hyper technology. Happy 60th.

P.S. My brother made it in the background of a shoot in the documentary.

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