Wednesday, 21 January 2009

I feel We Feel Fine is captivating.

We Feel Fine is a superubably creative site encompassing a variety of emotions felt by people all over the web. Initially i was sceptical of the cause or point of the site but having read the range of insightful (sometimes not so much) thoughts and feelings i am pulled to revisit the site again and again. The beauty is how reflective some of the statments can be, creaters Jonathan Harris and Sep Kamvar have hoped to seize a forum wherein the internet can be used not to endlessly de-humanize but bring back genuine emotion. It somehow trawls thorugh peronal blogs and bio sites and captures any sentances including "i feel". Experience emotion in six movements; Madness, Murmurs, Montage, Mobs, Metrics and Mounds.


P.S. Maybe my article title will make it on their!

Get Lost Critics!!!

Yesterday Persident Obama planted a seed of hope in millions of let the man work towards his vision of liberty and equality before you begin the cynicism. I wish you all the best Mr. President!

Friday, 9 January 2009

A Colourful Contradiction...

Boyle creates a fuzzy Bollywood feeling with Slumdog Millionaire. Child trafficking, Mumbai slums, Indian gangsters, Cops as agony aunts, Brotherly love oh and Destiny. Hardly at all about Who Wants To Be a Millionaire but rather acts as one of the many colourful threads in the tapestry which is this film. It can be argued that many of the nuances of Mumbai life are lost or rather overidden in the efforts of creating Californian sun drenched pans over the visually famous slums next to the Mumbai skyline. The utopia of "Bollywood" is certainly captured in Jamal's journey from slum child to genious tea boy. The various threads of the film constantly bring forward political, economical and social issues. Wonderfully satirical, poking fun at the stringent social class in India with the slight at Bollywood moviemega god-like star Amitabh Bachan visualises that colourful contradiction which is so very much escalating. But these issues just end up playing their part in a boy meets girl, boy losses girl, boy finds girl, boy loves girl type sceanrio. Boyle hopes to create a coming-of-age texture, but is this that film which changes your life? No. That was The Pursuit of Happyness. Though it does show to pessimists that slum living can be chipper.